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1500 Class QR Diesel in TTN3.5

 So What is TT Scale?

TT is very much the forgotten scale in model trains in Australia.

This is a great shame as it is very popular in Eastern Europe to a scale of  1:120

It has a small following in the USA and in the UK the 3mm Society has promoted TT to a slightly larger scale of 1:100.

Hornby has now burst onto the Uk market with TT120 to match the Europen scene 

So why an Australian site when nothing is available. Like all stories about the history of model trains, the answer is convoluted. See the section About Us for more detail. 

So what is proposed for the Australian scene ? we are proposing that we move in the direction of 1:120 scale for the following reasons. Most Australian modelling is to 1:87 so to move to the British 1:100 has very little advantage in the size of layout and trains.

As you will see the 1:120 scale allows the use of commercial components readily available in N scale and European  TT models.  We also are not proposing fine-scale but work on the principle "If it looks right it is right"


We don't want modellers  to have a  slavish adherence to exact scaling of every aspect of their model as this leads to frustration and giving up. This scale will be mostly a scratch builders scale so let's have fun.


Rivet counters please pass over this site it's not for you.   

Standard Gauge Trains on 4' 8 1/2 " at 1:120  track gauge is close to 12mm (11.95 to be precise) this is available through both Peco and Tillig 

Narrow-Gauge Trains on 3'6"  at 1:120  track gauge is close to 9 mm (8.8 mm to be precise) this can use ordinary N gauge or the new Peco mainline 009 track 

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